All Issue

2024 Vol.34, Issue 6 Preview Page

Original Article

31 December 2024. pp. 750-770

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Cheon, D.S., Choi, S., Song, W.K., and Lee, S.K., 2024a, Analysis of Joint Characteristics and Rock Mass Classification using Deep Borehole and Geophysical Logging, Tunnel & Underground Space, 34(4), 330-354.


Cheon, D.S., Jin, K., Synn, J.H., Kihm, Y.H., and Jeon, S., 2024b, Preliminary study on candidate host rocks for deep geological disposal of HLW based on deep geological characteristics, Tunnel and Underground Space, 34(1), 28-53.


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Lee, H., Park, C., Park, E.S., Jung, Y.B., Cheon, D.S., Bae, S.H., Kim, H.M., and Kim, K.S., 2023, Standard procedures and field application case of constant pressure injection test for evaluating hydrogeological characteristics in deep fractured rock aquifer, Tunnel and Underground Space, 33(5), 348-372.

  • Publisher :Korean Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국암반공학회
  • Journal Title :Tunnel and Underground Space
  • Journal Title(Ko) :터널과 지하공간
  • Volume : 34
  • No :6
  • Pages :750-770
  • Received Date : 2024-11-27
  • Revised Date : 2024-12-16
  • Accepted Date : 2024-12-23