Original Article
Jeong, H., Kim, M., Lee, M., and Jeon, S., 2019, Analysis of Advanced Rate and Downtime of a Shield TBM Encountering Mixed Ground and Fault Zone: A Case Study. Tunnel and Underground Space, 29(6), 394-406.
Kang, T.H., Choi, S.W., Lee, C., and Chang, S.H., 2020, A Study on Prediction of EPB shield TBM Advance Rate using Machine Learning Technique and TBM Construction Information, Tunnel and Underground Space, 30(6), 540-550.
Kang, T.H., Choi, S.W., Lee, C., and Chang, S.H., 2022, A study on the prediction of disc cutter wear using TBM data and machine learning algorithm, Tunnel and Underground Space, 32(6), 502-517.
- Publisher :Korean Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- Publisher(Ko) :한국암반공학회
- Journal Title :Tunnel and Underground Space
- Journal Title(Ko) :터널과 지하공간
- Volume : 34
- No :6
- Pages :722-734
- Received Date : 2024-11-25
- Revised Date : 2024-12-02
- Accepted Date : 2024-12-03
- DOI :https://doi.org/10.7474/TUS.2024.34.6.722